The Witness, a drama directed by Ahn Sang-hoon, explores the life of a former police officer who becomes a key witness to a murder case. After the death of her brother Liang Chong and the loss of her sight, the main character, played by Yang Mi, becomes one of the only people who is able to help solve a string of murders. The former police officer and delivery boy, who is also a witness to the murder and is played by well known EXO member Luhan, have contradictory testimonies that prevent the murder to be solved as quickly as possible.
This results in the two key witnesses to attempt to solve the murders for themselves.
Formerly a Korean film titled Blind, The Witness proves to be a stellar movie for the Thriller genre. Filmed with calming music throughout the extent of the movie, The Witness hosts frightening moments that makes even the most resilient of audiences jump. The Witness shows the differences in treatment between a person who is disabled and one who is not. Special effects within the film allow the viewer to see what is presumed to be the exceptional abilities of a blind woman, making her an unlikely key witness to a murder case.
The chilling film was presented in China on October 30, making about 1 Million Chinese Yuan in the box office. The film is sure to make emphasis on the presence of former K-pop star Luhan, attracting audiences around the world to watch the thriller. The official trailer can be seen on
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