Article by Jazmin Justo
“Love on the Cloud” produced by the Huayi Brothers and directed by Gu Changwei, brings a romantic comedy drama starring Sha Guo (Chen He) and his awkward encounter with a beautiful car model Xiao Xi (Angelababy). The movie begins with three fame-aspiring friends who receive a million dollar investment from Ms. Ma for the production of their film, as long as they can meet her expectations. The trio then begin their journey by moving into an apartment complex and Sha Guo, the scriptwriter of the trio, meets Xiao Xi, through the WeChat app. Instead of a quick hookup, Guo gets stuck dog sitting her dog, Mo Chau, while working on the movie script with a two week deadline. As the story continues with Gu’s failed attempts to woe Xiao Xi, he also confronts challenges in writing the script, as it continuously has to be adapted to Ms. Ma’s desires, in exchange for an increased investment.
As the story continues, Huang Xiaogua, the aspiring actor of the trio, brings his new girlfriend Wang Baoqiang, an aspiring actress from Mongolia into the group while Guo finalizes the script with Ms. Ma’s final request. As it continues, many unexpected events develop including Guo finally asks Xiao Xi to be his girlfriend, while being haunted by a ghost.
The film itself incorporates cheesy humor, fast paced transitions, and a musical number, portraying the quick paced life the trio live as they try to make their dreams a reality. For a romantic comedy, it has the right mix of humor and effects that makes the awkward romance between Guo and Xiao, a plausible drama. The themes of love, friendship and perseverance are displayed through their wonderful acting as well as the variety in cinematography styles. The film itself through the story of the trio, shows how life itself is full of surprises through random encounters that are made in our fast paced modern world. Overall, “Love on the Cloud” is quite enjoyable, for not only in its unique style of cinematography style but also for the satisfying ending that wraps up the whole romantic comedy experience.
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