By Yinsana Mok
Roger Michell brings a mature and romantic love story. Bracing and full of passion, LE WEEK-END’s characters shed the cozy comfort of retiree romantic comedy for an altogether more charged love story. The old couple in this movie have been together and married for 13 years. They feel that they have lost excitement in their relationship; therefore, on their thirteenth wedding anniversary, they choose to return to Paris, where they first honeymooned. However, many problems reflected in their relationship arise when they are in Paris. With a low budget, they started their trip with a very expensive hotel. Later, they ran out money and start to argue from day to night. There was a time that they thought they were unfaithful to each other. In a party hosted by their old friend, both of them said out loud, to everyone in the party, that they were always faithful to each other. After that, all their problems are solved. They finally find the feelings that they had before in their relationship. After all, it was a happy ending. As the actor said, “Commitment sacrifices of their pressure to make it work,” which was the point of his week-end.
Overall, the movie was full of passion and love. The actors represented their role in this movie really well. Both were excellent actors that directed the film’s dramatic tone.
There were a few times when the movie felt a bit drawn out, but the gorgeous love, funny scenes, and impressive dialogue really held the audience’s attention and kept them on the edge of their seats. However, for a number of scenes the movie was a bit boring. I believe that it will well suit the older audiences, because is a mature love story.
Despite the films minor shortcomings, LE WEE-END is calm, romantic, and funny—and definitely worth a few hours of your time.
Cast: Nick Burrows JIM BROADBENT
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