By Merry Wu
Vantan Tokyo’s Cheryl Chee presented a menswear inspired collection with chic tailored jackets and perfectly layered deconstructed pieces. Her collection’s name is “Preservation of Me”
Born 1984 in Australia, she graduated with honors from RMIT University, and launched her own brand “part of” in 2010.
Then she moved to Japan to study at Vantan Design Institute and interned for Japanese Brand “HISUI”
I had the pleasured of interviewing her backstage and here is what she said to say about her first time debuting in New York at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week.
How do you feel about the debut of your collection “Nature in her Eyes” in New York at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week?
It feels amazing! Because this is my first time to New York and I’m very excited to be in New York Fashion Week here!
How did you get involved with fashion design and why did you want study at Vantan Design Institute?
Well I loved fashion since I was young and…Ah, well; I initially went to Tokyo to set up my own label but decided that I needed to make more contacts so I decide to enter myself into Vantan Design Institute.
Do you hope to have your own label later on?
Yes! Definitely! I plan on building my label from now and plan on selling mostly in Japan and Australia.
So what is the inspiration behind your collection “Preservation of Me”?
I was inspired particularly by the texture of skin…um representing basic things we don’t find appealing like warts and wrinkles and I anted to put it back on the body in a beautiful and appealing way. So I made my own fabric in representation of warts and wrinkles and this is what built my collection.
Do you feel your personal style is very involved with your collection?
Yea definitely, I think it is. I personally like to layer a lot and mix and match a lot with other pieces and designers recycled clothes. I hope my customer would also love to do that.
How do you feel the American fashion industry and style is different from Hong Kong or Japan’s?
Well definitely I think in Japan, they seemed to be a bit more adventurous in their clothing but I guess you would say they’re a bit more out there with their clothing and a bit unpractical sometimes but that’s what I love about Japan! And in New York it seems to be a little bit more practical and more sort of business like but I also like that aspect of New York as well.
Well thank you for your time and good luck!
Thank you!
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