Article by Pui See Tsang
Photo credit: Corky Lee, Hanel Choi, Rina Kim, Ryan Ju, and Shao Han Lee
On May 16, with over 800 anticipated guests, Korean American Family Service Center (KAFSC) celebrated 25 years of outstanding service to the community with a cocktail reception, entertainment, silent auction and much more! This annual celebration held to raise funds for KAFSC’s culturally and linguistically competent programs and services with the mission of preventing and ending domestic violence, sexual assault and creating healthy communities.
The Korean American Family Service Center (KAFSC) is a leading, nonprofit organization that supports and empowers adults, youth and children to lead safe and healthy lives. The Center is committed to preventing and ending domestic violence, sexual assault, and relationship abuse, and creating a violence-free society. The counseling, education, advocacy programs, and shelter and housing for individuals and families in the New York Tri-State area are provided in a culturally and linguistically appropriate setting.
KAFSC presented Ms. Anne Delaney with the Vision in Action Award to honor her dedication to empowering girls and women in our community. Delaney currently serves as the Board Chair of the New York Women’s Foundation as well as her own organizations, the Starry Night Fund and Lambent Foundation. It was a pleasure to recognize a woman with such passion for women’s rights and social justice.
KAFSC also honored its Founder, Ms. Kwanghee Kim, with the Legacy Award. In 1989, Kim founded KAFSC to address the needs of Korean single mothers in New York. She is also a long-time friend of the New York Women’s Foundation and served on their board from 1996-2002.
It was such a meaningful event that demonstrated that women are being accepted into their societies with fair rights, and that this will continue to be evaluated.
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