Book Release of An Annotated Bibliography for Taiwan Film Studies

On April 21, Columbia University and Taipei Cultural Center held a press conference celebrating the release of An Annotated Bibliography for Taiwan Film Studies edited by Jim Cheng, James Wicks, and Sachie Noguchi.

An Annotated Bibliography for Taiwan Film Studies received support from the Fulbright Scholar Program; the Ministry of Culture, Taiwan; University of California, San Diego Libraries; and Columbia University Libraries, and was co-authored by Jim Cheng, Director of the C.V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University; James Wicks, Associate Professor of Literature and Film Studies, Point Loma Nazarene University; and Sachie Noguchi, Japanese Studies Librarian of the C.V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.

This new publication is the most comprehensive and first multilingual bibliography for Taiwan Film Studies, including more than 2,700 entries of monographs, theses, conference proceedings, and screenplays in 11 languages, and covering more than 100 years of related studies.

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