Hi! I know it’s been a week since I’ve been on here. I didn’t mean to be MIA from my beloved blog, but the events of the Palio (see next post) put everything on hold. Last Friday, I attended the Concerto finale del Corso di Pianoforte Lilya Zilberstein (docente) at the Palazzo Chigi Saracini. The palazzo was very beautiful inside and out. I felt like I took a major leap back in time because the room the concert was in looked like practically antique and there was no air conditioning. I saw ladies who were dressed up and using decorative fans as a means to stay cool. The classical concert was held by the Accademia Musicale Chigiana, Siena’s music institute and showcased some great pianists. I enjoyed the music and was very glad to go sit outside at the Campo afterwards.
The next day, I woke up bright and early for a day trip to Florence (Firenze) with some friends. Florence is the lively neighbor of Siena. There was so much to see and eat there, and a lot more shops! We didn’t plan the day at all so we took our time to leisurely walk around the city and take in the sites. The There was a street that was purely gioiellieri (jewelery stores). The Fiume Arno river that runs through the city reminded me of the waterways in Venice and it was simply stunning to walk along the riverside. It was a hot but enjoyable day, and I even got some shopping-time in before we took the train back!
[p.s. Some of my photos above are not rotated correctly because wordpress is not cooperating with me, and not due to my lack of effort lol. You can see these photos and more on the photoblog once it gets uploaded there :)]
i couldn’t comment on the previous post for some reason, glitch? anyway, i didn’t know you had to give a speech, and in italian no less! how scary is that?? i’d offer assistance but my italian needs refreshing, aiutame per favore! (is that right..? non so..)
It’s funny that “non lo so” was one of the first things I learned in class! We’ll help each other speak more italiano!